AMoL Ch. 15: Deception
by Paetram

Thom: It's a good thing Moiraine carried off a couple of those village folk called hobbits, or we'd never be able to track her.
Noal: We'll catch up with her soon. And I thought this was going to be difficult. I hope some strange menacing beasts turn up to stop us soon.
Mat: Shut up, Noal. What is that bloody Aes Sedai up to, I wonder? That old hobbit seemed to think it had something to do with some jewelry smelting or something. What a silly world we've stumbled into...
[a gateway opens and Rand steps out]
Mat: Rand! How did you find us?
Rand: I was looking for something else, actually. How did you get here, Mat?
Mat: I don't really want to bloody flaming talk about it, Rand.
Rand: I understand. You haven't by any chance seen any metal carriages around here, have you? Does a 1963 Pontiac Firebird mean anything to you?
Noal: Are you feeling alright, boy?
Rand: Never mind. See you guys after the end of the world. [leaves]
Mat: Please don't break anything while we're gone, Rand.
Thom: [pointing] There she is, Mat! It looks like she's got those hobbits building something.
Noal: It's another metal tower.
Mat: Hurry before she gets away!
[all run toward the tower and leap inside]
Mat: Did you guys notice anything funny about Moiraine?
Noal: You mean the fox wearing a dress? Actually I did, Mat. That must mean this is a trap.
[inside the Tower three men are walking toward a door labelled "Middle Earth"]
Mat: Hey, that's us! Don't go in there, it's a trap!
[all three men stop, turn around in surprise, then disappear]
Mat: Did you see that! The other me just disappeared!
Thom: Haven't you ever heard of causality before, Mat. Really, the ignorance of these village folk...
Noal: Maybe we should take the "No danger" door this time...
Mat: Alright, let's go.
Moiraine: Did it take you long enough?
Mat: Uh, Moiraine, did you know that you're naked?

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