Semirhage discussing her plan with Demandred beforehand:
by Shannow


Semirhage gateways into Demandred’s hidden fortress, and closes the gateway behind her.

Semirhage: "Demandred. Would you care to hear my proposed plan for capturing the Dragon Reborn? You are my closest ally among the Chosen and I know you will not betray me. We have mutual aims, after all, and together we have defeated opponent after opponent over the decades."

Demandred: "Indeed Semirhage. I too had hoped to have the Dragon dead or captured by now. I therefore grant you audience and give you leave to approach me in peace. Speak your mind and I will hear you."

Semirhage: "Very well. Hear my plan: I will spin a Mirror of Mists to take on the form of the Seanchan heir to the throne. Then I will coerce 6 suldam and their damane to accompany me to the meeting with the Dragon. Once al‘Thor opens a gateway into the area, I will lure him towards me by showing myself to him as the Empress’s daughter. Then when he approaches me, I will give the 6 suldam a pre-arranged signal and their damane will shield the Dragon.

After the deed is done, I will use the male adam to collar him. With al’Thor at my mercy, I will kill all 12 suldam and damane with reversed webs, before bringing al’Thor to our secret meeting place. Then the world will be mine… I mean ours. I have considered every possible eventuality, however improbable and I believe this to be a foolproof scheme."

Demandred: "Mhmm…"

(Studies Semirhage thoughfully for a long moment before answering.)

"Semirhage…We Chosen are not known for taking excessive risks unless unavoidable, else I would long since have confronted the barbarian al’Thor myself. Such caution, far from being a sign of cowardice, is only prudent, since death, just like immortality, is eternal. With so much at stake, risk should be avoided whenever possible.

Allow me therefore, if you will, the opportunity to offer a few suggestions regarding your plan."

Semirhage: "Very well. Your experience on the field of battle is well known, but bear in mind that I was a general of no little ability myself, Demandred. I have considered every possible angle, and believe me, it seems infallible."

Demandred: (Studies Semirhage while obviously making an effort to keep his face straight):"Good. Well, where to start…As you may recall from the Cleansing – everyone knows you were there, of course – al’Thor seems to be in possession of some kind of ter’angreal that can detect reversed webs to a range of at least half a mile.

I do not mean to impugn your strategic abilities, but have you considered the consequences of al’Thor detecting your Mask of Mirrors, and being for-warned that something is amiss?"

Semirhage: "Don’t worry, that won’t happen. As I said, my plan is foolproof. If there is such a device, I am sure he won’t bring it along to the meeting."

Demandred: (Nods in sympathetic agreement while trying to frame his response diplomatically):"While I am without a doubt the most intelligent man who has ever lived, I am magnanimous enough to acknowledge that Lews Therin – and by extension therefore al’Thor – is most probably the second most brilliant man ever. His plan at the Cleansing proved as much. Do you not think that al’Thor might be suspicsious of a trap when arriving at this meeting?"

Semirhage: "Your concern is touching, but unnecessary. I have planned this defining moment of the Age down to the minutest detail. I have taken precautions against al’Thor’s suspicions. I will greet him AS TUON when we meet, and by no means refer to myself as Semirhage. As I have told you before, Demandred, you may be the great general, but my attention to detail can rival the best."

Demandred: (Pokerfaced):"I...see. Another point you may recall from the Cleansing, is that al’Thor was defended by at least 3 rings of between 3 and 4 channelers each, consisting of Ashaman, Aes Sedai and an assortment of channelers from other origins. In addition to this, he is in possession of the Choedan Kal and Callandor quite aside from the hundreds of Ashaman at his disposal. I find it extremely unlikely that he will arrive for your meeting on his own. Have you considered this possibility?"

Semirhage: "Demandred, Demandred, do you take me for an utter fool? When al’Thor arrives with his Ashaman, I will introduce myself as TUON, and under no circumstances refer to myself as Semirhage. How many times must I repeat this? Once assured of my good intentions, I am sure that most of his party will depart, leaving him alone with me to do with as I please. Simple, but ingenious. I am beginning to wonder if I should not have been the number 1 general of the Shadow after all."

Demandred: (Despite his almost inhuman self-control, he is unsuccessful in preventing the corner of his mouth from curving into a half-smile):

"I wonder Semirhage, just in case this primary tactic of yours does not work, do you not think it might be prudent to bring 12 damane instead of 6, or better yet, how about 50 of them. You can hide the rest inside the manor, ready to lash out at the first sign of trouble. Remember, it is your life at stake here. No sense in taking any undue risks."

Semirhage: "Thanks Demandred, but I am sure that 6 damane of pitiful Third Age Aes Sedai strength are more than sufficient to counter anything that al’Thor’s bunch can throw at me. After all, they only barely managed in repelling a combined assault from 8 of the Chosen at Shadar Logoth. I am sure that my 6 damane will be able to accomplish what 8 of the most powerful channelers in the history of the world could not.

Demandred: (Resigned to losing another ally to defeat at the hands of al’Thor):"It seems you have thought about everything, Semirhage. Just one more thing. Despite the best of plans, al’Thor is a ta’veren. Even though the odds are clearly stacked in your favour with this foolproof plan, shouldn’t you have a few extra cards up your sleeve in the expectation that al’Thor’s luck will somehow give him an extra advantage during this confrontation? How about bringing 20 or 30 dreadlords along, as well as a gholam or two, just to make absolutely sure of success? You can never be too careful, you know..."

Semirhage: "Once again, Demandred, I am one step ahead of you. Should everything else go wrong by some accursed alignment of unlikely events, I will simply reveal my full self to them.

Once they realize that they are facing Semirhage, the Lady of Pain herself, those that do not faint from outright terror will submit humbly to my will, with all resolve destroyed beyond any hope of resistance. My plan is complete. Al’Thor will soon be in the palm of my hand. Thanks for your advice, you’ve been a great ally, as usual."

Demandred: (Starting to consider bringing Arangar and perhaps Graendal into his new, Semirhage-less alliance):

"No problem Semirhage. Good luck with your plan. You may now depart from my presence.

Oh, by the way. Send my regards to al’Thor. Should he by some miracle survive your trap, I guess I'll have to try and succeed somehow where your brilliance inexplicably failed…"

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