War of Power scenes you never saw
by sidious

The Forsaken always seem to be a unified force against the Light. However, there are scenes which took place as the War of Power was beginning. Secret scenes. Scenes which apparently never took place.


Lanfear : I’ve turned to the Shadow, Giani. I need a new look.
Versace : I have this great black dress with a belt of ivory skulls and bones. It’s suave and you’ll still look formidable.
Lanfear : No. Black isn’t my colour, and I want to look motherly and pure.
Versace : I have this pink number…
Lanfear : Too cheap.
Versace : Or this blue…
Lanfear : Too cliched.
Versace : Or this brown number…
Lanfear : *silence*
Versace : Ooookay…. How about this red-gray fusion design?
Lanfear : Doesn’t match my eyes.
Versace : This green-purple masterpiece comes from Tzora.
Lanfear : Does nothing for my butt.
Versace : What about this white number from Paaren Disen?
Lanfear : Interesting. Chic. Simple yet elegant. I like the low bodice but silver lined belt. Could we incorporate platinum into the buckle?
Versace : Of course. And with a figure like yours, we could also think about a V-cut on the left leg with a silk overlay on the right.
Lanfear : A V-cut sometimes overstates my knees, and I don’t like that. Perhaps a Y-V hybrid, like at M’Jinn 76?
Versace : I’m listening…
Lanfear : … except we mould it with the Paaren Disen XT overlay. You know, the classic one.
Versace : Awesome. Damn you’re amazing. I’ll get right to work.


Semirhage : I’ve joined the Shadow, Giani. I need a new look.
Versace : I have this great black dress with a belt of ivory skulls and bones. It’s …
Semirhage : Done. Can I pay with my card?


Moghedien : The Spider? The Spider!!! They’re calling me a Spider.
Balthamel : So?
Moghedien : I am a general of the Shadow, Balthamel. I demand respect. I was expecting feral direwolf, bloodthirsty shark, merciless tiger… not this!
Demandred : You’re kidding, right?
Moghedien : What?
Demandred : I think you’re lucky not to have come away with legless dungbeetle or toothless chipmunk.
Moghedien : I want respect, Demandred! Do you hear me!?
Lanfear : She’s right, Demandred. We are allies now.
Demandred : Well if it isn’t… Tamyrlin’s Tramp.
Lanfear : I told you I don’t accept that name the tabloids gave me! I have made myself Lanfear… daughter of the night! Do you hear me!!!???
Demandred : It doesn’t matter much to me anyway, Lanfear. You and bugludy…
Moghedien : the Spider!
Demandred : … you and the Moghedien can play with your names all you want.
Graendal : I like being the whorewoman of M’Jinn.
Demandred : I’m shocked.


Sammael : Oh god, my face! My beautiful face! Look at what Lews Therin’s done to my face!
Semirhage : I’ll Heal it for you. Just sit still for a moment.
Sammael : No! I must keep this hideous scar until I avenge my wounded pride. I shall wear it forever and ever until revenge is mine!
Semirhage : Fine, I was just offering.
Sammael : Oh god, my face! My beautiful face! Look what Lews Therin’s done to my face!
Semirhage : Light!
Graendal : If this goes on I might kill myself. I’ll hold him down while you Heal him.
Semirhage : Deal.


Moghedien : I have the best intelligence network.
Balthamel : I know.
Moghedien : I know you know.
Balthamel : Unless I wanted you to know that I knew you know.
Moghedien : Of course. There’s always the chance I was bluffing and I wanted you to know, so that when I brought up the subject I could claim ignorance, but actually knew that you know that I know you know.
Balthamel : That would be intelligent. Assuming I was gullible enough to assume you knew I knew.
Graendal : What is going on here?
Moghedien : He knows.


Demandred : At last, I have switched sides and no longer have to be the second-best general.
Be’lal : You’re right. You’re sixth now.
Demandred : WHAT?
Be’lal : Well, I’ve done pretty well in the north. There’s Ishamael, Sammael, Rahvin and Semirhage who have made some impressive progress too.
Demandred : Rahvin doesn’t even have a third name!
Be’lal : Sucks, doesn’t it?


Rahvin : Hey, you’re used to be a Restorer.
Semirhage : Yes, but I was exiled because I tortured and killed my patients. We are all here because we get to do the opposite of what we were once sworn to do. That’s why the Shadow’s so amazing.
Mesaana : I get to corrupt children as an evil teacher.
Aginor : I get to make monsters.
Graendal : I get to ruin minds.
Be’lal : I don’t know what the hell to do. I might actually have to earn a decent living, or defend the innocent for once.


Mesaana : Great Lord, I have been an outcast all over the world despite my potential. I kneel here as your servant. Make me one of your Chosen!
Dark One : Unsuited for Chosen.
Mesaana : Oh you’ve got to be kidding me!!
Dark One : Gotcha.


Asmodean : Anyone else ever wonder if this Shadow business is a little stupid?


Rahvin : Moo
Graendal : Oink
Rahvin : Neigh
Graendal : Ribbit
Rahvin : Baa
Graendal : Tweet
Rahvin : Dammit! Fine, you’re the best at Compulsion, Graendal. Why do you have to be so persistent woman?
Graendal : It’s all about the territory, my friend. All about the territory.


The legend of the fourteenth Forsaken, Bezial …
Bezial : What are you doing, Lanfear?
Lanfear : Reading the paper. I’m looking for any pictures of Lews Therin. He was mine once, he’ll be mine again.
Bezial : Bahaaaahahaha! Yeh right, the greatest man in the world who is married to another powerful Aes Sedai is going to abandon her for the most evil and twisted woman in the world. Good one!
Bezial : *gulp*


Ishamael : Mu-haa-haa-haa!
Dark One : Do it again, Ishy. It gets me every time.
Ishamael : Mu-haa-haa-haa!
Dark One : *shivers*


Be’lal : I cut this officers throat yesterday for looking at me.
All : Ha ha ha!
Demandred : I balefired my servant yesterday because he didn’t bow low enough while addressing me.
All : Ha ha ha!
Mesaana : I compelled a man to throw himself off a bridge after he called me a Forsaken instead of a Chosen.
All : Ha ha ha!
Semirhage : I found this beggar who’d done nothing to me. I beat him up and healed him several times, then slowly tortured him to death over five weeks.
All : *silence*
Demandred : For shame!


Rahvin : You are my girlfriends. I want absolute honesty.
Stacey : You’re a damn pig, Rahvin!
Rahvin : I said I want honesty!
Stacey : You take my breath away, oh great master of the world.


Aginor : So tell us how to administer our kingdoms, Mesaana.
Mesaana : As with all Forsaken kingdoms, we must administer them with extreme cruelty.
Graendal : Meaning what?
Semirhage : Meaning the populace must be murdered over several days and we must harm any small animals we find too.
Mesaana : God, what is wrong with you?
Graendal : I agree. Damn!
Semirhage : What??! She said extreme cruelty.
Mesaana : Fine. Mild cruelty.


Moghedien : I’ve turned to the Shadow, Giani. I need a new look.
Versace : We have nothing for you madam. Please leave.


Graendal : Welcome to the Shadow, Sammael. In here you will find evil incarnate. There will never be a dull moment as we revel in the deepest malice and hatred known to the human soul. Brace yourself.
Sammael : Where is everyone?
Graendal : Asmodean is playing his harp, Aginor is playing with his chemistry set, Mesaana is making a tower of cards, and Graendal is playing with pieces of streith.

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