Guns replace the One Power
by sidious



What if the Power never existed and Jordan used guns and weaponry instead…


“Get out of Town!” Cenn Buie cried, and people started to pick up stones to throw at the Aes Sedai are her warder.

Moiraine rounded on them, her face was filled with fury. “What has happened to Manetheren’s blood!” she cried, and drew her pistol firing it into the air. The crowd fell silent as her gun blasted into the sky, its sound cracking the summer air.


“Everybody down!” Moiraine screamed, and Rand and his friends were forced to hit the dirt as the Aes Sedai turned to face the legion of approaching Trollocs. On they ran, over a hundred of them screaming and being forced by Myrddraal. Suddenly Moiraine drew a small object from her pouch and attached it to her gun. Rand gasped… an automatic-you-better-rungreal.

Raising her hand she stared at the army with fury and activated her sacred powers. The weapons discharged sending thousands of bullets in the direction of the Trollocs. They cried. They screamed. They died. Moiraine appeared to be struggling to contain her pistol, but anger still painted her face. “Light,” Perrin said. Rand nodded. This truly was an Aes Sedai out of legends.

Moiraine collapsed, but Lan was there to catch her. “Excuse me,” she said. “I am not at my best with automatic weapons. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.”


“I won’t use my gun again!” Rand cried out.

“You will,” Siuan said.

“Well then teach me,” Rand said.

“We cannot Rand,” Moiraine said. “I have told you this before. Men use shotguns, and women only know about pistols.”

“Dammit,” Rand muttered.


Rahvin looked at Lanfear and Graendal. No doubt they had their fingers cocked on the trigger of their guns. He heard Sammael arrive, and he could smell the traces of Sammael’s shotgun hidden in his pants – his ammo ready to fire under the slightest suspicion.

“Is he really so strong, this Rand al’Thor?” Rahvin said angrily.

“He is Lews Therin Telamon reborn,” Lanfear said quietly. “And Lews Therin could mow down a platoon.”

Rahvin shifted uneasily. He was strong too. He could also blow Lanfear’s brains out if it came to it, though Graendal would probably give Lanfear her gun, in which case he was royally screwed.


“Which is Aviendha!” Lanfear screamed, and shot Aviendha and Egwene in the kneecaps. Both screamed and fell to the ground, dying.

Lan and Moiraine ran towards Lanfear as quickly as they could. “No Lan!” Moiraine screamed, and Rand realized he was running too.

Lanfear emptied a cartridge into Lan’s shoulder and he fell with a cry. She seemed surprised that Moiraine had managed to stand right in front of her, but after a brief delay she pistol whipped the Aes Sedai on the head causing her to fly across the docks and roll under the wagon.

“No Mierin! I hate the Forsaken!” Rand cried.

Lanfear seemed pained. “If you are not mine, then you are dead!” she screamed, and she produced the biggest f&#$## gun he’d ever seen! It was a desert eagle, golden and literally buzzing with anticipation. She aimed with murderous intent and fired. The recoil should have blasted her into the sea, but she stood her ground. He couldn’t believe she was so strong!

Rand had seconds to react as he blocked the bullet with his shotgun. He went after her. If he could just shoot her in the stomach, she would fly fifty feet like any other woman. He discharged round after round but she blocked each round with her gun as if she could see the ammo.

“Pain, Lews Therin!” and there was pain, as he realized she had shot off his pinky.

Moiraine recovered from under the wagon, and looked in horror at the sight of Lanfear on the wagon. Lanfear, with the biggest f&#$## gun she’d ever seen. Rand was on his knees crying, as Lanfear took delight in shooting off the tips of his fingers. She had to end this.


Nynaeve rounded the corner and saw Rahvin. He was busy killing Rand. “We must run!” Moghedien whimpered.

“Shut up!” she replied. “Give me your flamer thrower.”

Moghedien gave her the weapon, but Nynaeve made her carry the fuel canister on her back. “YAAA!!” Nynaeve screamed and torched the whole room with napalm. Rahvin screamed, but in an instant he had a fire extinguisher out and he was quelling the fire. She flamed the room until the stone smoked but she couldn’t kill the bastard. Rahvin stared at her malignantly. She was going to die.

“Rahvin!” Rand screamed, and emptied his shotgun at the Forsaken. Nynaeve had only a moment to shriek when Rahvin’s head blew apart and he collapsed. They were saved. Moghedien was trembling with relief.


“What is your name?” Semirhage said.

“I spit in your mother’s milk, do you hear me darkfriend!” the young wretch said. Semirhage had easily disarmed her when they met. It was a ridiculous pistol of prehistoric standards. If the woman saw the true power of a Glock-17, she’d probably wet her pants.

Semirhage smiled. Striding up to the woman she put the barrel of her gun up the woman’s nose and shook it vigorously. “No!!!” the woman screamed. And she screamed and screamed as if all the pain in the world was emanating from her.

“What is your name?” Semirhage repeated.

“Cabriana Mecandes,” the woman replied curtly, but she was crying. Semirhage smiled as she approached the woman again, the look of the woman’s open nostril exciting her greatly. Cabriana screamed even before her nostril was filled. Semirhage smiled, perhaps this would be fun.


“You bring me gifts,” Rand said curtly. He was afraid of no one.

Suddenly he looked to both sides and found that he was staring down thirteen barrels of thirteen pistols. Impossible! No three woman could duel him with their pistols, and him with his shotgun. Shock turned to horror as the servants all turned out to be Aes Sedai. Thirteen Aes Sedai! Thirteen women to set a hold-up which no man could escape. He wanted to scream, but Galina’s gun barrel was in his mouth.


As usual, Erian said nothing before she started. She removed her pistol and used the butt to strike his buttocks. He … would… not… cry!!


“Free!” Rand said, as he blasted open the box. Three Aes Sedai were lying unconsciously around the wagon. He took the guns and buried them in a hole. They woke up and started screaming – their weapons forever lost. He would find Galina – he would confiscate her pistol too!

Rand heard fighting. He could smell gunpowder. He approached the fight when three Aielmen ran up to him, clearly trying to kill him. With a smile, he discharged his weapon and they disappeared from his vision in a haze of blood and entrails. He could smell a lot of shotgun powder! He approached and saw Taim, his shotgun almost as impressive as his own, but shorter, and with smaller girth. “Destroy the Shaido, Taim! Break them.” He looked around. Many Ash’aman were in a line facing the Shaido, but others were standing over the Aes Sedai holding the safety catch of their pistols tightly.

“Ash’aman kill!” Taim said, and all hell broke loss. The ground thundered with shots…


“The Seanchan are finished, Rand,” Bashere said lightly.

“No one stands against the Dragon Reborn,” Rand said severely. Everyone gasped as he revealed the chain gun attached to Tai’dashar’s back. Detaching the massive thing, he wheeled it over to the edge of the hill. “I am the storm,” he muttered poetically, and started to discharge his weapon, all six thousand rounds per minute.

He felt something hit him. “Come for me, Shai’tan!” he cried. It hit him again.

“Stop it! You’re killing us!” Bashered cried. Rand turned aghast to see Adley with a bullet between his surprised eyes, and dozens of his men mowed down. “What have I done?” he muttered, and added to the poetic turmoil.


“I hope you are not trying to use Callandor,” Cadsuane said.

“Why not?” he said roughly.

“You escaped once, maybe not again,” she said placidly.

“What do you mean?”

“It is flawed. It lacks a stabilizer mount. Using it causes arthritis of the hand joints. Prolonged use will permanently damage your trigger finger. You will not be able to use your gun… ever again.”


“Should we give our guns to you, Cadsuane?”

“No Niande,” Cadsuane replied, and she noticed the Sisters around her were already unbuckling their gun belts to give her the weapons focus. “We need to shoot anything which we see instantly.”


“There,” Cadsuane muttered and pointed, and moments later Elza pressed the button on Callandor releasing thousands of rounds per minute and mowing down the ancient forest and the wildlife therein. Elza smiled, and nodded kindly to Merise and Jahar who were stabilizing the chain gun and making it safe to use.

Osan’gar crawled up the next hill, and noticed the bullets heading in Demandred’s direction. He looked eagerly at al’Thor who was playing with the suitcase nuke on the hill. What he could do with that! Enough yield to melt a continent. Not even Moridin would deny him anything if he had a nuke strapped to his chest. Alas, it would have to be destroyed. He saw Narishma, and knew that he had a chance to get the Titanium Gun. Standing, he cocked his shotgun and prepared to level the Callandor team.


Fifty times to cock her fun fair pistol, and one in those fifty times she could shoot a pellet. Morgase was sweating with the exertion of trying to shoot the coke can on top of the flagpole. If they could just draw some attention to themselves! Finally she cried out, and the most ridiculous pellet flew weakly from her pink plastic pistol and unbalanced the can. Moments later Perrin burst in… “I saw the can fall, and I knew someone was here.” Everyone jumped with joy!


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